
Torn Between Two Lovers Report

Personalized Compatibility Report for 3 Individuals
Are You interested in...
...finding out who's the right one for you?
...finding out more about yourself AND each partner?
...getting an in-depth compatibility report for both lovers?
...how astrological characteristics influence your partnerships?
A comparison of temperaments and life styles that affect your ability to harmonize with each other.
Major themes in the relationship:
What brought you together?
Destiny and final outcome of your relationship and themes of romance and sexual attraction are emphasized This report includes 3 New Age Astrology Reports, one for each sign involved, and features an in-depth compatibiltiy profile designated to help distinguish which sign is right for you.
The Torn Between Two Lovers Report also includes recommendations for the most compatible signs for you in a love relationship.
Get answers to all your questions and even more in
The Torn Between Two Lovers Report.

This report includes The New Age Astrology Report (New Age Woman/Man), available for gay and lesbian love triangles as well, AND an in-depth compatibility profile for both lovers designated to help distinguish which sign is right for you.

$ 49.95

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