
Compatibility Report

Personalized Compatibility Report (Synastry Report)

Are You interested in understanding how you relate?
...what attracts you to each other?
...how to heat up your love life by using the power of the planets?
...find out how to improve and spice up your realtionship?

This report contains a comparison of temperaments and life styles that affect your ability to harmonize with each other. Major themes in the relationship: What brought you together? Destiny and final outcome of your relationship and themes of romance and sexual attraction are emphasized.

Learn more about your partner and how to spice up your love life. The Sexual Astrology Compatibility Report gives you the ability to respark your love life by finding out more about you yourself, and your partners astrological profile.

Learn all about the "personal planets"
Mars - your personality and how you interact sexually
Venus - what turns you on, how to be even sexier or more attractive to your patner
Mercury - how you express yourself to others
This report also includes the New Age Man/Woman Astrology Report, available for gay and lesbian couples as well, plus an in-depth Compatibility Report. Find the answers you are looking for in Your Personalized Compatibility Report.

$ 39.95

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